Saturday, September 15, 2012

Troop Meeting 9/4/12

Fall Sale

According to the Girl Scouts website:
The Fall Product Sale helps girls learn essential life skills, including:
- Goal setting
- Decision making
- Money management
- People skills
- Business ethics
The sales has officially started as of September 9th and goes until September 30th.  Our Brownies can earn patches based on reaching various goals that are detailed on the back of the nut/chocolate order form. 
A portion of the money that each girl raises will go directly back to our troop!

Tina explained the Fall Sale to the troop as well as the parents at our meeting



Brownie Quest Workbook

We will be working out of the "Brownie Quest" workbook starting at our next meeting on Tuesday, September 18th.  Stop by the Girl Scout Office to pick yours up!
Snack Schedule
Carrie was nice enough to bring snacks to the last meeting.  I will bring them to this Tuesday's meeting.  Perhaps we can put a calendar together on Tuesday to "assign" who is bringing the snack for our remaining meetings this 2012-2013 year?
Volunteer Registration
Don't forget to officially register online to become a volunteer if you plan on attending more than 2 meetings during the year and/or want to go on any of the field trips.
Badge Placement
Here are some pictures of Zoe's sash and badge placement.  We talked about leaving plenty of room on the back of the sash for the crazy amount of patches the girls can earn in the next two years!

(Just as an example)

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