Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Troop Christmas Meeting

"Oh What Fun It Is....."

What a great time we all had doing fun crafts, eating snacks and enjoying hot chocolate at our troop leader's house. 
The Girl Scout Pledge
Alison, our troop leader, led the girls in a Salt Dough Ornament project.  They turned out so cute!!
Lauren, concentrating on her painting
Alissa, Miya's mom, showed the girls how to make Rudolph ornaments from clothespins!  They turned out adorable!! 
 A finished Rudolph
Jen, Zoe's mom, showed the girls how to make homemade snow globes to finish out the craft projects.  The girls were each in a photo that was laminated, inside the jar with glitter and sequins. 
Even the mom's got to enjoy the fun and a night together
Thanks to Tina and Barb for the hot chocolate ~
Thanks to Alissa, Alison, and Carrie for helping out with the crafts!
We finished out the night with a gift for the girls from our troop leader. 
Thanks Alison!
(Pictured top row: Miya, Lauren, Fulin / bottom row: Zoe, Maggie, Lauren and Anna)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Just a Few Reminders for the Next Meeting....

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, December 18th at Alison's house.  The fun starts at 6 p.m.
There are some fun activities planned for the girls.  Barb is going to bring Hot Chocolate to share and Jen is going to bring a snack. 

Brownie Quest Service Project

Don't forget to bring your donation items for the Larimer County Humane Society to tomorrow's meeting.  Here is the link for the items that they would appreciate:


Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

11/6/12 Meeting

Final Fall Product Sale Totals
Troop 2698 sold over $1000 in magazine and nut orders, earning $185.14 for the troop!  Great job to all of the girls!!  Let's not forget the parents and the work they put in as well to get friends and family involved in supporting our troop.  Thank you parents!
11/6 Meeting Summary

 The girls talked about the impact that they have on their family, friends, community and world.  They created this cute "map" below to illustrate this idea.
The girls all gave ideas on a community service project that Troop 2698 could participate in.  Look below to see which project received the most votes (hint: we circled it)...
The girls have been following the "Brownie Quest Map" below to earn their Key Patches.  Tonight they earned their second key in their quest.  Good job girls!
Badge Placement
The girls have been busy earning their key badges for their Journey Award.  These will be placed on the front of their sash and can be sewn on as seen below once they have earned all four patches.
November 20th Meeting CANCELLED
Since the 11/20 meeting falls during the week of Thanksgiving, we have decided to cancel it and we will see everyone at the next scheduled meeting on Tuesday, December 4th at 6 p.m.
January Cookie Sales
Alissa and Alison are already working on gearing up for the January Cookie Sale.  They will be in touch with the other mom's soon to figure out how many cookie boxes they think their girl will sell.  On average in our state, each Brownie girl sells 175 boxes of cookies!

Snack Schedule for Remaining 2012 Meetings
12/4 Carrie (Lauren)
12/18 Jen (Zoe) 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Troop Meeting 9/4/12

Fall Sale

According to the Girl Scouts website:
The Fall Product Sale helps girls learn essential life skills, including:
- Goal setting
- Decision making
- Money management
- People skills
- Business ethics
The sales has officially started as of September 9th and goes until September 30th.  Our Brownies can earn patches based on reaching various goals that are detailed on the back of the nut/chocolate order form. 
A portion of the money that each girl raises will go directly back to our troop!

Tina explained the Fall Sale to the troop as well as the parents at our meeting



Brownie Quest Workbook

We will be working out of the "Brownie Quest" workbook starting at our next meeting on Tuesday, September 18th.  Stop by the Girl Scout Office to pick yours up!
Snack Schedule
Carrie was nice enough to bring snacks to the last meeting.  I will bring them to this Tuesday's meeting.  Perhaps we can put a calendar together on Tuesday to "assign" who is bringing the snack for our remaining meetings this 2012-2013 year?
Volunteer Registration
Don't forget to officially register online to become a volunteer if you plan on attending more than 2 meetings during the year and/or want to go on any of the field trips.
Badge Placement
Here are some pictures of Zoe's sash and badge placement.  We talked about leaving plenty of room on the back of the sash for the crazy amount of patches the girls can earn in the next two years!

(Just as an example)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Troop 2698 - Investiture Ceremony

Here are highlights from Troop 2698's Investiture Ceremony. 

According to the Girl Scouts website, "Investiture welcomes new members, girls or adults, into the Girl Scout family for the first time. Girls receive their Girl Scout, Girl Scout Brownie, or Girl Scout Daisy pin at this time."

The girls are waiting for the ceremony to begin

Reciting the "Girl Scout Pledge"


Waiting for some cake

The yummy cake

Troop 2698 - May 2012

Love those silly poses!